Lisa J. Murphy Previous Work Tactile Hamster

Yes, it really is a tactile thermoform hamster (side view).

Believe it.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist /Author  of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind / vision impaired.

Artist / Author of  tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired.


Lisa J Murphy Previous Work Tactile Canadian Lynx

A tactile thermoform diagram of a Canadian Lynx, side view.

This was my very first “acceptable” tactile diagram; my first try looked like “roadkill with oven mitts”.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of  (3-D) nude photographs for the blind/vision impaired.

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind /vision impaired.


Lisa J. Murphy Previous Work Tactile Snail

Found this tactile thermoform page in a box. I believe it’s a type of sea snail.

I created the original sculpture using diagramming foil.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind / vision impaired.

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired.


Lisa J. Murphy Previous Work Tactile Panther Chamelion

The following tactile diagram shows a panther chameleon on a branch.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind / vision impaired.

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired.


Lisa J. Murphy diagrams for research for the Universita di Roma

I have been contacted by an Italian scientist in the Dipartmento Di Psicologia, Sapienza, Universita di Roma to do some diagrams for research in relation to the “representation of the body in spinal cord patients”.

Very interesting. I’m up for the challenge. Just awaiting further instruction.

Lisa J. Murphy

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind/vision impaired.

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs.



tactile atelier bookmark in AOL News, CBS News, Time Magazine

I did an interview with Monica Garske about a month ago for AOL News.  It came out yesterday.

It has started the ball rolling again & I have been  receiving media requests most of the day.

I hope more people take the time to realize the beauty of this work and the value it has for a non-sighted reader.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of  nude photographs for the blind / vision impaired.

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired.


tactile atelier bookmark workspace

I took this photo because I couldn’t believe what a mess my workspace was.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of  tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind/vision impaired.

Artist / Author of  tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired.


tactile atelier bookmark on W Radio and AOL News

So I got out of bed yesterday morning after a full 4 hours of sleep, pumped myself full of coffee by 8:57 am, and the phone never rang for the 9am interview with W Radio – Bogota, Colombia.  Maybe they meant next Saturday?

Tomorrow morning tactile atelier bookmark will be discussed on/for AOL news.

Fingers crossed.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-d) photographs for the blind / vision impaired.

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired.


Show synopsis for tactile mind on CBS show ‘The Doctors’

Watched CBS show; The Doctors, last Friday (December 3, 2010), and saw at least one fine minute dedicated to tactile mind.

Here is the  show synopsis:

Blind Passion
Tactile Mind, created by Lisa Murphy, is a book comprised of explicit text and raised pictures of naked men and women, designed to be enjoyed by the blind and visually impaired.


Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind / vision impaired.

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired.


tactile atelier bookmark heels and lingerie

Why did I take pictures of women in high-heeled shoes and  lingerie, and sculpt these images into a second project? Because it’s beautiful imagery. It’s imagery that’s real in a sighted world.  When one blind proofreader ‘saw’ the picture of the high-heeled shoes, he/she couldn’t believe that this footwear actually exists.  Same with the underwire bra.  I find it so amazing that items and images that are a part of day to day living for those of us with sight, have not yet been invented for those who cannot see.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude 3-d photographs for the blind / vision impaired

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired
