Lisa J. Murphy diagrams for research for the Universita di Roma

I have been contacted by an Italian scientist in the Dipartmento Di Psicologia, Sapienza, Universita di Roma to do some diagrams for research in relation to the “representation of the body in spinal cord patients”.

Very interesting. I’m up for the challenge. Just awaiting further instruction.

Lisa J. Murphy

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind/vision impaired.

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs.



How and when did the idea for ‘tactile mind’ happen?

5 years ago, Lisa J. Murphy was making tactile diagrams for vision impaired & blind childrens’ educational books, and thought “why not?”. Lisa had received a certificate in Tactile Graphics from the Institute for the Blind, and decided to use her new  knowledge with her own photographs of artistic nudes. Lisa wanted to challenge herself, and she began to create tactile pictures for adults. Over the next 2 years, her idea turned into a book consisting of 17 3-D pictures, with grade-one Braille accompaniment.
