tactile femme – Diagram 6 by Lisa J. Murphy

A red fimo and sculpey mix, creating a sculpture of a woman’s inner thigh area. This diagram is not yet included in my project. I finished it eons ago, and forgot to add it. The Braille will read ” Her hand reaches further down between her legs and her middle finger enters her anus”.

tactile femme by Lisa J. Murphy. Image is a sculpture of a woman's finger in her anus.


tactile femme sculpture by Lisa J. Murphy

tactile femme is a project I completed in 2019.  The following image is a clay sculpture of a woman’s inner thighs, her clitoris, labia & anus.  Wire mesh is used for pubic hair. The mesh has a great texture.

tactile femme by Lisa J. Murphy. Sculpture of a woman's inner thighs, vulva, and anus.


About ‘tactile cordage’ by Lisa J. Murphy

I just finished a new project (March 2021) named tactile cordage. This work consists of 5 tactile thermoform images of Women in Rope, with grade-one Unified English Braille accompaniment. Because of Covid-19, I drew the images to sculpt from, rather than photograph people.



Purchasing during COVID-19

Tactile Mind Studio Limited uses thermoform plastic for tactile images and Braille descriptions. This is a very sturdy material and pages can be sprayed and gently wiped with disinfectant. tactile mind book and tactile atelier bookmark both have paper accompaniments which can be held back and mailed (at no extra expense) when the pandemic passes.
