tactile mind book article in ‘Pref Mag’.

Sabrina Khenfer, an independent French journalist, wrote an article about tactile mind, which was published in the gay French magazine Pref Mag.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind/vision impaired.


tactile mind book article in UK Forum magazine.

It was very kind to receive a pdf copy of this article from UK Forum for my records, but WOW! Talk about being misquoted.  Maybe this makes a more interesting story than the interview I did with them.  ( I really can’t imagine using this book as an aid in sex ed for kids…..)

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind/vision impaired.


tactile mind book article in GQ China

This is a copy of the article written about tactile mind in GQ China. No, I do not know what it says, but I like how it was put together, and dig the voice bubble!

Thank you to Rocco Liu of Conde Nast China for getting this to me.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist/Author of  tactile mind – A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind/vision impaired.


New project for Tactile Mind Studio Limited, short blurb.

So I sit here in front of my computer and Blackberry and photographs, trying to retrace my steps for my next project.  I always forget something when creating a tactile image ; right now, it seems to be the clay-.   A little distracted from the feeds on Facebook  from friends who have been on the streets during the G20 Summit  in Toronto this weekend. It’s been a total police state.

P.S. If you’re wondering; I am Tactile Mind Studio Limited.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of  tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind/vision impaired.


Lisa J. Murphy, tactile mind and self-publishing.

I read an interesting article today on the CBC website about self-publishing vs. working with a publisher.  What stood out for me in this article is the general rule that when working with a publisher, the author/artist  walks away with  5 – 15 percent of book generated income. How can someone possibly give away 85-95 percent of their hard work? I don’t know.  I am a huge advocate of self-publishing. I know people who could not get a publisher for their work, and thus quit the entire project instead of just giving self-publishing a try. A lot of people think that having a publisher behind a book brings value to the work. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. If work is good, it’s good; and people have differing opinions anyway. Having self-published tactile mind, yes I can say it was a lot of work and still is. What I learned about self-publishing was very important in finishing this book and having the confidence to sell it.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

tactile mind: A book of nude (3-D) photographs for the blind/vision impaired


Lisa J. Murphy’s tactile mind book signing party.

Lisa J. Murphy is sitting at Lens Factory in Toronto, having a one person (me) book signing party for tactile mind.  Maybe I should go buy a balloon or two, tie them to my wrist, and really pump it up.  When someone does enter and I say hello, most often they just stare with indifference. Can this city really be so lame?

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

tactile mind: A book of  nude photographs for the blind/vision impaired.


Lisa J. Murphy, tactile mind book exhibition, and her qualms with people taking photographs.

I had an interesting conversation with Len at Lens Factory today while I was setting up tactile mind books for the signing this weekend.  I had  put up a beautiful custom print  from the “Love Robot” shoot, and I mentioned that I didn’t want people walking in and photographing my photograph and my books. I think that makes sense.  Sadly, he didn’t agree with me, and said I would be angering a lot of people in the neighbourhood. I find the whole attitude of people taking pictures of pictures tacky and tasteless; if you really like an artwork – buy it.  I find it offensive that people don’t put a value on the time and skill it takes to produce art. I find it offensive that people don’t put a value on the time and the efforts of the subjects that help to create art. Any of my friends who posed for tactile mind would be horrified if they saw someone taking pictures of their photograph.  I will be holding my ground with this one.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited.

tactile mind: A book of nude photographs for the blind/vision impaired.


An irate response from India to ‘tactile mind’: A book of nude photographs for the blind/vision impaired.

This trinket of hate mail is taken from an online comment left on the the website (adult) on April 18, 2010:

Lisa,You perverted woman, at least leave the blind community alone,If you are so keen to shed your clothes and morals,look else where.The blind community doesn’t need corrupt and perverted ideas like yours.The accursed porn industry has spoiled many a generation and family,now you want the same to be repeated in the blind community. The porn industry mafia is a 17 billion $ business in US,is that enough for you that you want to tap & explore more possibilities since there are sites which offer different types of content, you can click here to visit gayporn.wiki to find good content for the gay community.How BLIND can you get,You perverted woman(we are ashamed to call you a woman).Just imagine that all the vice,evil & immorality that would percolate in the blind community by your diservice,You alone will be held responsible by God Allmighty. Have a heart please abandon this wretched idea of yours. Instead make something for our blind brothers that would help them see the truth in the form of natural beauty of the creator.Come out of your pitiable darkness,Come towards light.COME TOWARDS ISLAM.OPEN YOUR EYES. DO NOT WANDER BLINDLY IN YOUR OWN IGNORANCE.

I’m thinking maybe somebody pissed in his cornflakes.

Lisa J. Murphy



Lisa J. Murphy Saturday night assembly of tactile mind: A book of nude photographs for the blind and vision impaired.

Wow, have I ever trashed my place putting together tactile mind books for the signing and show next weekend at Lens Factory. I’ve managed to track small the plastic punch-outs from thermoform plastic pages (think of confetti that ends up everywhere 3 years after the fact), coffee grinds, and the tomato sauce that beans come in throughout the floors of  my kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and work space. Not only this, but my place reeks of plastic. Good thing I decided to get healthy and quit smoking after i visit some transgender escorts.

A couple sites that listed/had articles about tactile mind – ultra cool sites: Artforum, Les Paul Forum, Museum of Sex with Yolo Sex Toys as props.


tactile atelier bookmark is a second body of work handmade by Lisa J. Murphy for the blind and vision impaired. This bookmark illustrates beautiful images of women’s bodies in simple lingerie, since adult content is becoming more and more popular now a days, and you can even find gay pornography material at sites like gayporn.wiki online.

This bookmark consists of 4, 3-D tactile photographs on white thermoform plastic pages with the visual image, and grade-one United English Braille accompaniment. It is held together by a single spiral ring.

Each bookmark is signed by Lisa J. Murphy

tactile atelier bookmark: A Set of Four Photographs retails for $100. CDN



Lisa J. Murphy is a photographer with a certificate in Tactile Graphics from the CNIB. She has photographed, sculpted, thermoformed, and self-published this second body of work.

tactile atelier bookmark: A Set of Four Photographs has been created with the same intricate attention and process as was used in the creation of the book; tactile mind

Lisa J. Murphy

