Whenever a photograph is placed on the internet – whether it is on a personal website or on a shared site – write a copyright notice across it. I had not thought about it when my pictures went onto my first blogger site. When the story about tactile mind: A book of nude photographs for the blind and vision impaired broke, I heard thru various media agencies that Central European News was selling my pictures to various news publications in Europe and were trying to sell them to the U.S. media. I had U.S. media groups calling me asking who owned the world rights to this work. Not only were my images being sold, but Central European News was taking credit for the photos. Weeks later, I finally got a contact number for Michael Ledig, who told me that he had talked to the artist and publisher of tactile mind, who had sent him the photographs to be sold to media outlets ( for no compensation?). He claimed that I was not who I said I was, and that he would be happy to meet me in court. Eventually we decided that he would forward the contact emails from the “people” who gave him permission to take this work and distribute it so I could look into it. That was over a month ago now, and I never received anything – no contact names of these “people” and no compensation. Be very wary of what goes on the internet, and how things are labelled – you could possibly be making somebody else money.
Lisa J. Murphy