tactile atelier bookmark heels and lingerie

Why did I take pictures of women in high-heeled shoes and  lingerie, and sculpt these images into a second project? Because it’s beautiful imagery. It’s imagery that’s real in a sighted world.  When one blind proofreader ‘saw’ the picture of the high-heeled shoes, he/she couldn’t believe that this footwear actually exists.  Same with the underwire bra.  I find it so amazing that items and images that are a part of day to day living for those of us with sight, have not yet been invented for those who cannot see.

Lisa J. Murphy

Tactile Mind Studio Limited

Artist / Author of tactile mind: A book of nude 3-d photographs for the blind / vision impaired

Artist / Author of tactile atelier bookmark: A set of four photographs for the blind / vision impaired

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